

The Imperial Valley Vegetable Growers Association has had the privilege of being featured in various papers throughout the years. Check here regularly for educational, informative perspectives on the importance agriculture has on the Imperial Valley and beyond.


Pesticides to the rescue to keep our crops growing

“Pests can cause damage to crops, humans, or other animals, make farming difficult by building homes in or around fields, or kill crops, or other..”


“The term chemical is frequently thought of a dirty word.  A chemical is any substance consisting of matter. This includes any liquid, solid, or gas. A chemical is any pure substance (an element) or any..”

efficient, effective lettuce thinning

“You don’t have to be a rocket scientist to manually thin a lettuce crop, but apparently being inventive can make the process much more efficient. That is why one local grower developed a computer-contro..”

Celebrate National Onion day- June 27, 2020

A very special day is approaching on Saturday – National Onion Day.

Onions are one of the oldest vegetables grown in America, and some might say the tastiest.



“One of the major areas of focus for Imperial Valley Vegetable Growers and farmers everywhere is food safety.   We live and breathe it daily and in all aspects of what we do. For those of us in the food production..”


“Last month, we start a series of articles on food safety.   In that article we cover the general definition of food safety and how in the field we implement the best-known practice to preclude any outbreaks..”


The Facts About E. Coli

“Recently and for the second time this year, E.Coli was in the news –and linked to my favorite, Romaine lettuce.  The growers in Imperial Valley take food safety seriously and these two events in one year hurt the industry..”

Vegetables: good for the brain, good for the community

“We have all heard, you are what you consume. As I reflect on my parents and their longevity, such as it was, that certainly applied. My mother, over the course of time, became a vegetarian—well, almost a vegetarian. She certainly..”


valley growers hold themselves to high food safety standards

“Imperial Valley leafy greens farmers are on the cutting edge of food safety when it comes to what they are growing in the fields, many voluntarily ramping up their efforts to ensure what ends up in our stores and our dinner tables is..”

Broccoli: a closer look

“In the very half Italian Pricola household, the foreigner (that is me) is frequently confused about the three vegetables that are part of the staples we eat frequently. Those three vegetables look somewhat alike. Broccoli is certainly..”


Carrots: Good & Good for you

“Carrots are big crop for us here.   The value of the carrot harvest in 2016 was $10,780,000 and in 2017, $13,264,00. The amount of acreage for this production in 2106 was 14,572 acres, and in 2017, 16,465 acres..”

Onions: Peeling Back The Layers

“This time of year, we know we live in an agricultural area simply because of the odor.  That familiar smell signals the start of onion harvest. So, let’s spend a time on that all-important cooking ingredient, the onion..”


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